Governance basics every plan sponsor should know

Mindy Zatto, FSA, EA, FCA, MAAA, MSPPA and Leslie Olds, FSA, EA, FCA, MAAAThought Leadership

How do plan sponsors operate and administer employee benefit plans in a manner that is both effective and compliant with applicable regulatory and fiduciary obligations?

A background on retirement plan cyber crimes and how to mitigate them

Rebecca Moore, Managing Editor of Digital for PLANSPONSORThought Leadership

The onus of safeguarding plan participants from fraud does not fall solely on the recordkeeper. Both DC plan sponsors and recordkeepers need to agree on fraud-resistant processes that are clearly documented, rigorously implemented and consistently followed. Here are a few tips.

Where plan sponsors and recordkeepers stand on multi-factor authentication

Kim ShumateThought Leadership

We surveyed plan sponsors and 401(k) recordkeepers to determine how they are using multi-factor authentication (MFA) as a tactic for mitigating defined-contribution plan fraud and protecting sensitive participant and plan information. Here’s what we found.

Safeguarding DC plan data is about more than cybersecurity

Andy Adams and Jay Schmitt, ASAThought Leadership

The onus of safeguarding plan participants from fraud does not fall solely on the recordkeeper. Both DC plan sponsors and recordkeepers need to agree on fraud-resistant processes that are clearly documented, rigorously implemented and consistently followed. Here are a few tips.