Successfully implementing a new health and welfare benefits administration system is a complex, high-stakes process that requires careful planning, thorough data validation, and expert coordination across multiple vendors. Plan sponsors who attempt to manage this transition alone often face significant challenges.
3 ways to make this open enrollment the best yet
Whether your annual benefits open enrollment is 9 months or 90 days away, focusing on these three areas can help ensure its success.
Is unlimited time off the right PTO approach?
Unlimited PTO is gaining popularity as a way to attract and retain talent. But switching from accrued time off to unlimited time off may not be the best choice for everyone, and the change isn’t always easy. Here are some tips for a smooth transition.
Is your benefits committee up to par? Here’s how to be sure
To defend themselves against ERISA violations, plan sponsors need to understand their fiduciary obligations. As the parties generally responsible for plan oversight, benefits committees play a central role in minimizing compliance risk.
Advisers in conversation: Creating lifetime income in retirement
SBA founding principal Mindy Zatto joins Ted Benna, who designed and implemented the first 401(k) savings plan, for a discussion on the future of retirement savings plans and how plan sponsors can help close the participant education gap.
Ask an Adviser: Can terminating a defined benefit plan be more seamless?
Learn how to best position a frozen DB plan for termination.
4 ways plan participants and vendors can help improve cybersecurity
In a world of mounting cybersecurity threats, participants and vendors must play their part in warding off catastrophic attacks. Here are four strategies that can help.
Time well spent: Optimizing time away from work administration
Here are some considerations for plan sponsors as they seek to streamline TAFW processes.
Ask an Adviser: How do we handle late deposits on 401(k) deferrals?
The late deposit of employee 401(k) deferrals is among the most common mistakes retirement plan sponsors make. Here’s how to correct it.
How to help 401(k) plan sponsors avoid excessive fee lawsuits
To avoid class-action settlements and regulatory penalties that can cost millions, plan sponsors must ensure 401(k) fees are cost-conscious for participants. Here are best practices to consider.