The hidden pitfalls of DIY benefits implementations

Kim ShumateThought Leadership

Successfully implementing a new health and welfare benefits administration system is a complex, high-stakes process that requires careful planning, thorough data validation, and expert coordination across multiple vendors. Plan sponsors who attempt to manage this transition alone often face significant challenges.

Is your benefits committee up to par? Here’s how to be sure

Mindy Zatto, FSA, EA, FCA, CPPT and Robin PowellThought Leadership

To defend themselves against ERISA violations, plan sponsors need to understand their fiduciary obligations. As the parties generally responsible for plan oversight, benefits committees play a central role in minimizing compliance risk.

Advisers in conversation: Creating lifetime income in retirement

Stephanie Schomer, Editor in Chief of Employee Benefit NewsThought Leadership

SBA founding principal Mindy Zatto joins Ted Benna, who designed and implemented the first 401(k) savings plan, for a discussion on the future of retirement savings plans and how plan sponsors can help close the participant education gap.